North American APRS Frequencies for January, 2000
The above map lists the reported frequencies for various areas of the United States which were reported as of October, 1999. The April 1998, May 1998, June 1998, July 1998, August 1998 September 1998, October 1998, November 1998, January 1999, April 1999 and September 1999 maps are still online, for hysterical purposes.
A more detailed text only version of this document is also available, with user reports on areas which have not made official reports. And, for Europe, try my developing European APRS Frequency Map page
This map reflects the additional coverage of new digipeaters added to the Arizona system, and conversion of many Texas digis to 144.39 during September; see the text only version for more complete details.
Australia checks in -- Darryl VK2TDS forwards the following message:
John Martin, VK3KWA has just confirmed that the new OFFICIAL APRS freqency in Australia is 145.175 MHz. This allows all classes of license to run APRS. 144.390 MHz will be secondary, used for any space operations, with the APRS community in Australia aggreeing to keep off this frequency except for Earth-Space operations - allowing SSB and low power stations use to this frequency.This is a win for all sides. APRS gets it's own frequency, and we get access to 144.390 MHz as required. The SSB and Small Signal people get to retain 144.390 MHz most of the time.
West Texas is in the midst of a move from 145.01 to 144.39. The digipeaters involved have long been "dual use", supporting connected packet as their primary job, but also being useful for APRS. Various factors have conspired in favor of APRS, and at least 5 of the digis from south central Texas towards El Paso (which was already on 144.39) have been recrystalled during September.
Four digipeaters in the western panhandle of Florida (plus one in Alabama, near the border, which has since been removed from the air) have switched back to 145.79, due to technical difficulties and "other factors". The current report is that these four ARES-affiliated stations will NOT be returning to 144.39, but that there is no objection to others re-establishing a 144.39 network around them... which is happening; a new digipeater in Santa Rosa county went on the air on 144.39 in August of 1999. More details in the text only version of this file.
Activity in Utah and Arizona is heating up. Several digipeaters have been turned on over the summer, and, although there are still large holes in the coverage, the report is that Arizona's system is now "mostly hearing" California. Nevada's activity is still concentrated around Las Vegas and those areas along the California border.
Montana is still very sparse on APRS, but there is still a chance something will develop in the not so distant future.
Nebraska, Kansas, North and South Dakota are all on 144.39. Coverage in Nebraska is limited to the Omaha area. Kansas coverage is fairly good along the eastern portion of Interstate 80, but forget it if you're outside that area. Wyoming coverage is available only around Rawlins (complete with I-Gate) and Cheyenne to Laramie (if you can reach the Fort Collins, CO, digi). Only Fargo, ND and Sioux Falls, SD have coverage reported.
Additional information will be posted as it is received.
APRS is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga, WB4APR.
This page updated Monday, September 11, 2000.
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