Links to weather sites

Note: We had removed the link to a long time ago, when they invalidated all existing links to their service, and promised to change them even more. However, they are still a useful, free service, if you can put up with their ads, the lack of timeliness and detail on some of their products (particularly RADAR), and their efforts to constantly change the links to make sure no one bypasses their advertising.

However, WeatherTAP is a much better service, and worth the $74/year charge. RADAR plots are updated every 5 to 10 minutes, at the same time the National Weather Service gets them off the RADAR sites. While the Doppler doesn't include the multiple layer views that NWS forecasters use, you do get the base reflectivity (optional animation), radial velocity (the winds), echo tops (storm heights), and storm precipitation totals (current, rather than daily 12Z to 12Z totals like Intellicast).

Links to weather equipment manufacturers

Boltek StormTracker Lightning detection page.
Peet Brothers Weather Stations.
Davis Instruments Weather Stations.

Last updated on: January 10 2024 14:41:18.
Copyright 1998-2025 by Jeffrey Brenton KA9VNV